Outfitted: 22 June 09


Today I decided to take my new skirt for a spin. I’m in that awkward stage after a purchase where I know it’s cute (why else would I have bought it?), but am not sure if it was truly  a good decision. Usually pieces that make it through this phase end up some of my favorites. I’m mostly not sure of the color–royal blue has never been one of my favorites.


I’m very glad I decided to wear a skirt: I walked right past a job lead, and looked good enough to request an application. I want/need a job so badddd.

Also: my backyard is so fecund. Note the ridiculously huge rhubarb.

Skirt: F21. Star Wars Shirt: Hot Topic. Sweater: Idk. Shoes: Payless.

5 thoughts on “Outfitted: 22 June 09

  1. That’s a very good picture, the pose and color are both excellent. Did your brother take it?

    I think the skirt works well, and matches with the patches of blue in your shirt. If I’m not mistaken, that’s your awesome Star Wars shirt.

    Man, that puts our rhubarb to shame!

  2. Self-timer on a camp stool! No brothers involved.

    Yes, our rhubarb is epic. And it grows to that height in about a month.

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