Saturday is a Rugby Day

I spent this morning with my roommate at her team’s rugby match. We both ended up sleeping late, so didn’t put much thought into what I wore, and ended up grabbing jeans, a shapeless grey tee shirt, my threadbare black hoodie and a red-plaid biker jacket. Though I put on some makeup and braided my hair with a feather headband, I didn’t feel my best.

It was a beautiful spring day, no matter that February just ended, and I ditched the jacket early on–but I didn’t feel comfortable running around in jeans and an old hoodie. Spring always makes me want to wear pretty dresses, put on my fanciest heels and just frolic. And besides, with all those hot rugby guys running around, I kinda want to look a little bit better than usual.

But a rugby game is not the place to bust out the Daphne Guinness-worthy platforms, or the latest metallic one-shoulder minidress. It’s impractical. Rugby pitches are muddy; you have to deal with all kinds of weather; and you have to look good holding a beer for the social afterward.

Rugby matches (or any non-professional sports event, really) seem to have a sort of unspoken dress code. Many of the spectators are also the athletes (most of the guys show up early for the girls’ game, and the girls stay to watch after), which means they’re wearing athletic tee shirts, spandex, muddy uniforms, lots of sweat. Most of the spectator dress for functionality: jeans, hoodies, NorthFace jackets. It’s not a hotbed of fashion consciousness.

So I put the little grey cells to the test and started putting together outfits that would be springlike, fun, comfortable and functional without being too overtly fashion-y or pretentious.

Rugby I

Rugby I by enna featuring GAP jackets

The first one is for a sunny day when all you want to do is run on the grass and spin. The dress is feminine, but it’s offset with Keds so you can easily dodge the ball or run down the sidelines to catch the action.

Rugby II

Rugby II by enna featuring Hunter boots

The second is for a rainy day, when boot are necessary because of the mud. Rugby pitches get muddy fast (my Converse are sill muddy from last week). A clear umbrella means you won’t block anybody else’s view of the match, and you can keep warm in driving gloves and a soft sweater.

I Need a Raincoat

Portland Essentials

Getting used to a new city is taking me a while, especially considering that previously, I lived in the same place for 18 years. I knew the city and surrounding country inside out, and had friends in every nook and cranny. Here, not so much.

That’s not to say I’m not liking Portland–au contraire! Old, established cities are so beautiful. I love being able to walk downtown and see architecture from various different eras all mingling together. And it’s so green down here, which has a little bit to do with the weather. That’s where I’m a bit baffled. I’ve never had to deal with rain before. And as much research as I did before I moved, reading about rain is not the same as walking out of my building to a facefull of drizzle.

Walking in the rain is one of my favorite things to do–for now. I have a hunch that halfway through November, it’s going to be mighty dull. So I need to stock up: chic raincoat and waterproof walking boots definitely, and ideally a new bag, grin-inducing umbrella and bright scarves. I’ve already eyed some of the Burberry trench coats at Nordstrom (like that’s gonna happen), and I’ve located some boots that I like at DSW (I already have some rad rubber ones for when it pours). The rest will come as it may–I’m still looking for the perfect bag.

I’m excited to start finding vintage stores and thrift shops and other cool places around here. One of them is bound to have the perfect raincoat. Raincoats of Portland, beware: I’m coming after you.


Excuse me while I take a roadtrip to see my boy Patrick Wolf as an early graduation present.  I’d promise pics, but if I promise I know they won’t happen–we’ll see. And I still don’t know what to wear.

Happy friday, darlings!